Off to a Sloow Start

We left our home at 12:35pm today. Turns out getting ready for a 2 1/2 month trip takes some time to pack. We each have 10 pair of jeans, I have 30 shirts, Zoom Zoom has about 25 shirts, we both packed 30 pair of socks and undies. I, of course, brought about 14 pair of shoes and my Zoom Zoom brought 4! When you are packing for this long of a trip you also have to think of food, snacks, paper goods and all that “other” stuff.

This morning was dedicated to changing the sheets on the bed and vacuuming and mopping the house. It is so nice to come home to a clean place!

OK, so we leave our home and are taking our RV, Wally, from Exit 172. At Exit 199 my love, Zoom Zoom, asks if I have the extra set of Wally keys. Well, of course I don’t! So he pulls off into the Outlet Mall, unhooks our Jeep, Jethro, and he takes off back to our house to search for Wally’s keys! Now, what is so funny is we have already torn the house to shreds looking for his extra set of Jethro keys. We succumbed and had a set made! He does NOT find Wally’s keys at our home. Next logical place to look- the warehouse! Off he goes to look there. He gets about halfway there and realizes that the keys to the warehouse are back home IN THE SAFE! OH MY!

Zoom Zoom throws in the towel, gives up, surrenders and turns around. Sometime along our way we will have another set made. I guess I’ll start keeping my keys separate from the rest of the keys and see if that helps!

It is now 3:35pm and my Zoom Zoom is back. We shall hook up Jethro and try to head to Canada!!