When we rode the ferry over to P.E.I. we knew the ride was “free.” The way P.E.I. gets you is they charge you to get off the island. There are two ways to get off. Well I guess you could always figure out more ways, but, for us and our situation we had 2 choices. We could take the ferry again or go over the Confederation Bridge. The Confederation Bridge is 8 miles long, most of the bridge is 141 feet above the water and it is 36 feet wide. There are 62 piers total holding up the bridge.
Toll fees aren’t cheap. It costs $47.75 for a 2 axle vehicle and then an additional $8.25 for each additional axle. Here’s your math test- we had Wally and Jethro how much did our fees run?
Almost there! They warn us about the charges. They also let you know all the ways you can pay! How kind. 🙂 We are paying by credit card. They mean it. We didn’t see anyone on there phones while in Canada.
Did you figure out how much we paid to get off the island?
Yippee…Yahoo…Hooray…Celebrate if you were right!