Oh what do you say about an island that every where you look is picture perfect? Each of the provinces have been absolutely beautiful. This one especially in it’s own way. Our trip here puts us in the center of the island. During our stay we did’t have time to venture out to either the east or west side of the island – darn – we will need to come back!
The thread that runs through the four maritime provinces is how proud they are of their things. Homes are taken care of. Businesses are taken care of. Painted when needed and in those fun colors. If you want a lavender home with deep purple trim – go for it. I love the cornflower blue homes with the sunflower yellow trim and doors with a pop of orange color here and there. Their yards are mowed and trimmed to perfection. Some look as if they even use nail clippers on them. Bushes will be trimmed in spirals or neat boxes. Flowers are everywhere. It seems as of you live in one of these provinces having a green thumb is just part of your DNA make up. I remember Zoom Zoom’s dad one day saying that, “Pulling weeds is free.” For some reason I’ll never forget that. It’s true. It is another thing that makes us so different from them. We cross the border and the USA looks very unkempt – pulling weeds is free! Of course I’m generalizing. It’s not EVERY place on our side, but just go visit and you will notice immediately. They are a very proud society – rich, poor and in-between.
These first photos are what I took from the front seat of Wally between the ferry and the campground. I set my camera on the fast speed and it works like a dream! Here is where I’d like to apologize to my fellow Trekers- I never even thought how the noise of the camera might have been annoying to you! If we EVER do a caravan trip again I will most defiantly sit in the back of the bus. I take so many photos because I have that disease – I forget everything and quickly. I’m already having to ask Zoom Zoom your names. Remembering where we have and haven’t been is a big challenge and it can be embarrassing. I hate that but it’s real and it’s what’s happening. This is why I am documenting my life for me so when I am truly lost maybe these photos will help some how. You never know! Plus, I just simply enjoy taking photos, editing them and posting them – even if they are just for me and Zoom Zoom.
Rolling hills This one is adorable. Mold on the roof and a purple mini-blind! You do you! A single wind mill I really like these rusty barns. Nice and mowed Most folks have HUGE lawns! Him being him! We are all the same even across borders. I don’t know why the wrecked bus is in the field – art? Red dirt everywhere. I don’t know if you can tell- the STOP lights are square!
YELLOW is diamond
GREEN is a circle
Done for the colorblind people.Look, it’s their hospital. The side of their hospital. Remember medical is free. Taxes at the stores is at around 15%. Just beautiful! We will be going to Green Gables tomorrow. This house is connected to it’s barn! I think that’s smart if you have enough doors to block the smell! I just love the quilt square on the barn! LLamas Ann Marie’s Family Hair Styling I wish they had buried electricity! Veterans Memorial Highway Still craptastic roads! Potato crop Great barn-crap glare! All Your Cows are Dead! Next to our gas stop! Also next to our gas stop! Across from the gas stop. Zoom Zoom’s a rock star! Look how he got Wally in there! Of course you have to suck it in to get into the store! Next to the gas stop! Behind the gas station. Next to the gas station. I love the patchwork of the land. So quaint! The bright yellow crop in the back is where they grow mustard every third year instead of a potato crop. They will till it right into the soil when it is full grown. It keeps all the unwanted bugs out of the crop. Mustard crop I thought all the Canadian flags were leading us to the campground – WRONG! This guy just LOVES Canada! This is normal. Two homes on one property. One will directly in front of the other or squished in side-by-side. Love this barn! Our campground! Campground owners’ home. petting zoo on the campground premise. More to pet at the campground. We don’t need to register- the Adventure Trek company took care of all that for us! Here comes Everett to lead us to our spot! Everett leading us to our site.What a nice man. They have some fun things for the kids!
July 28 we went on our bus tour! We toured the entire center of P.E.I. The nice thing is the buses have all come to our campgrounds. Our tour guide today has been working for the same company for 10 years! That’s a lot of accrued knowledge. These photos were mostly taken from the bus. Again to my fellow friends, I’m sorry for the clicks! Just storing memories!
Bed and breakfast Go Cart Track Giant Lobster Everyone has the freshest, most delicious, largest, most famous recipe, and biggest selection. Oyster Farm Oyster Farm Oyster Farm Mussel Farm Mussel Farm (left) Oyster Farm (right) Foreground – Oyster Farm Background – Mussel Farm Mussel Sock Square hay bale! Hmm…Yard art See the red chairs? I’m Getting those for our house ! The lime green crop is mustard. They rotate that in their potato crop every third year. When it is ready the till the whole plant into the soil. No bugs Like the mustard – organic growing – no pesticides Mustard crop next to a potato crop Isn’t the coral door pretty? Another big lawn! Birthplace of L.M.Montgomery – author of Anne of Green Gables Side view of her house. Huge lawn! I love the checkered door! You be you! Oyster Farm The lighting was terrible. This is a blue heron! Blue Heron Processing plant Now these people have a HUGE lawn! All Your Cows are Dead! Most photographed and painted place in P.E.I. There are a bunch of these photos, some I took and Some Zoom Zoom took! Richard, Jim, Everett, Tom, Mike Mustard crop Potato Crop Richard, Jim, Everett Church with a Lighthouse The lighthouse was supposed to be a steeple – Some one measured WRONG!
You had one job, Bob!They turned a negative into a positive! Oyster farm Potato crop More potato crops Old church – New Community Hall Space Shuttle Replica Oyster farm Oyster farm Fishing Success Mine =Mine-All mine His friend is jealous! Lobster traps.
Most lobster fishermen are switching to the rectangular ones.
They are easier to store!Osprey nest. The nest is probably 4 feet across! All Your Cows are Dead!
“All Your Cows are Dead” is a car game we played when I was a kid as we traveled. The idea was as we drove from point A to point B you counted the cows on your side of the car. The goal was to have the most cows at the end of the trip. If you passed a cemetery on your side the other side would say, “All Your Cows are Dead” and you go back to zero. Now what if your sibling or friend didn’t notice the cemetery on your side? No worries, keep your cows!