First, I know Thrombolites sound like a medical disease or disorder. I assure they are not. They are organisms that lived 3,500,000-6,500,000 years ago! Think about them as your typical aquarium algae on steroids. There is only one other place on the world (that we know of) they can be found and that is in Australia. They resemble flowers, giant bun shaped flowers, fossils now, but flowers! Looking at them it’s apparent they are breaking apart as time wears on. They break apart where the “petals” meet. It kind of looks like Monkey Bread.
When we got on the trail two dogs joined us from a neighboring house. They were too cute. It obviously was their backyard to play and explore in! We also saw a sea gull capture a crab. Zoom Zoom got a fantastic photo of it with it in its mouth! Some more beautiful flowers along the path followed us all the way to the Thrombolites.
As we headed back to the RV’s we came across a gentleman that lived along the path. I asked him how it was having all of us tracking through, what essentially is, his backyard. He laughed and said, “You should see the tour buses that come through here!” He didn’t mind though, he seemed to be a people person!
Path to the Thrombolites Pink Pyrola Roseroot Roseroot Center of one. Primrose Our escorts Dinner time! Falling apart at the seams – literally!