Today we got up and left early, well 9:00. I should tell you Texas family that we are 2 hours AHEAD of you now. When you try to message us we try to go to bed around 10:00pm here – it’s only 8:00pm there.
As we traveled from point A to point B we stopped at 2 places. One, a lobster place called, Alma Lobster Shop. What a cute shop. Zoom Zoom bought a pound of frozen, cooked lobster for a mere $36.00! Then we stopped at tomorrow’s stop for a sneak preview, Cape Enrage, to check out the lighthouse. Let me tell you, the roads to the lighthouse are probably some of the worst roads we have been on yet. I kept pretending I was riding a bucking bronco! Yes, that bad!
Tonight the tour had a campfire and we all got to know each other a little better. The mosquitos got to know a few of us a little better too. They don’t seem to mind the non aerosol stuff (don’t waste your money.) I took the Cutter and sprayed my hands and wiped it all over my face. Those suckers love to chew on me!
My kind of lobster! Ann telling Jeff about the lobster tools! A ‘must have.’ 25 pounder! Sneak peek!
We will be at this location for 2 nights. Hopefully the internet will hold up. We have not had the best of luck in that department, nor phone service! My phone service at this very moment is through Telus.