We are Moving! Day 5 Move to Moncton, NB 6/25/19

Today we got up and left early, well 9:00. I should tell you Texas family that we are 2 hours AHEAD of you now. When you try to message us we try to go to bed around 10:00pm here – it’s only 8:00pm there.

As we traveled from point A to point B we stopped at 2 places. One, a lobster place called, Alma Lobster Shop. What a cute shop. Zoom Zoom bought a pound of frozen, cooked lobster for a mere $36.00! Then we stopped at tomorrow’s stop for a sneak preview, Cape Enrage, to check out the lighthouse. Let me tell you, the roads to the lighthouse are probably some of the worst roads we have been on yet. I kept pretending I was riding a bucking bronco! Yes, that bad!

Tonight the tour had a campfire and we all got to know each other a little better. The mosquitos got to know a few of us a little better too. They don’t seem to mind the non aerosol stuff (don’t waste your money.) I took the Cutter and sprayed my hands and wiped it all over my face. Those suckers love to chew on me!

We will be at this location for 2 nights. Hopefully the internet will hold up. We have not had the best of luck in that department, nor phone service! My phone service at this very moment is through Telus.